Friday, September 08, 2006

Tradução do soneto de Fidelidade by Carol Gomes

Após vasta pesquisa por uma tradução de qualidade do Soneto de Fidelidade do nosso imortal Vinícius de Morais, eis aqui um trabalho árduo, porém posso por mim dizer, prazeroso.

Usem e abusem .

Above all, to my love I'll be attentiveFirst most,
and ever so passionately, and always
That even before the greatest dazzleIt will still capture my thoughtsI wanna live it through every empty moment
And i'll praise this love by spreading my chant
And smiling my smile, and shedding my tear
To my lover's grief or joyAnd then, when later
I face Perhaps death, agony of the living
Perhaps loneliness, end of those who loveI can tell myself of love (that I had):
Let it not be immortal, for it is a flame,
But let it be infinite while it lasts.


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